Sober Companion – New Age Treatment?

With drug addiction and other mental health disorders on the rise, the healthcare industry is searching for a more effective form of treatment.  The classic twenty-eight day program has such a staggeringly high recidivism rate that people wonder whether it is worthwhile at all anymore.  There are a number of other methods and tactics used around the country to help reduce the high rate of relapse.  The Florida model for example, with its outpatient care coupled with long-term sober living is becoming more prevalent around the country.  The general notion being, that the longer an individual is in a controlled environment, the better his/her chances at long-term success and recovery.

But what about people who are unable to put their entire lives on hold and move into a communal living environment for nine months or more?  What about people afflicted with substance abuse issues who have high pressure careers, or families that need to be tended to?  What has the healthcare industry done to promote recovery for individuals such as these?

There is a recent trend over the last couple of years leaning towards increased use of  individual sober companions.  These experienced counselors, companions and coaches accompany their clients in day-to-day life to help create containment and accountability.  The sober companion allows for individuals to retain their daily routines, perform their duties and live up to their commitments without having to deal with the stress alone.  Take for example, a touring musician with a rigorous schedule of travel and performances.  Such an artist can bring with him/her a sober companion on the tour bus to talk to about the stresses of the road, to process emotional triggers, and to be a support for the goal of recovery.  Without a sober companion, this artist would have had to cancel the tour, go to a twenty-eight day treatment program, then live in a communal sober living for several months.  This would lead to tremendous loss of income and perhaps a difficult time delivering on previous commitments.

Living with integrity, keeping ones’ word, and performing daily duties is such a critical component to achieving and maintaining long-term recovery.  Having a sober companion for a period of time to act as a support for individuals learning how to be sober in their daily lives is a profound advancement in the treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism.  It is analogous to putting a new fish in the tank.  You should never simply take the fish out of the bag and drop it into the tank.  The fish would not be able to acclimate to its new environment without going through shock.  Instead, you put the entire bag into the tank, allowing for the temperature of the water to slowly adjust.  The fish sees its new surroundings, companions, and becomes more comfortable, all while in the safety of its own container.

So it is with sober companions.  The individual struggling with substance abuse is not thrust back into his/her daily lives without a safety net.  The sober companion acts like the container, allowing the individual to get used to the world around him/her without the risk of shock and trauma.  The individual is able to adjust slowly, perform their responsibilities, live up to their commitments, and re-acclimate with ease and comfort all the while knowing their sober companion is there to provide a safe and supportive container.  Eventually, the fish leaves the bag and enters the tank without any disruption.  So to can the individual who has worked with a sober companion, re-enter their lives successfully and completely.