Brene Brown’s Daring Way

What is The Daring Way?

For those who are unaware of what exactly is ‘The Daring Way’ is, it is a certification process created on the decidedly experiential psychological methodology based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown. It is intended for work with individuals, couples, families, work teams and organizational leaders. The primary focus is on developing shame resilience skills and developing daily practices that transform the way we live, love, parent and lead.

During the certification process, potential facilitators explore topics such as vulnerability, courage, shame and worthiness. The participants examine thoughts, emotions and behaviors that may be holding them back, and identify new choices and practices that will move them towards more authentic and enthusiastic lifestyle and way of being.

How is it used?

Based on research and experience facilitating this work, The Daring Way has formidable and influential applications among wide-ranging client populations, spanning a vast range of practice settings.

Aside from therapists and coaches expediting the work with individuals, couples, and groups, social workers and clergy are assimilating this work into their practices; organizational development professionals using it as the foundation for cultural change and individual work with leaders; and addiction professionals using it to support recovery work.

This is only a partial list of applications; it is listed to illustrate the broad range of work being done by Certified Daring Way™ Facilitators.

What are the Benefits of Certification?

The goal of the certification process is to prepare professionals in operative, empirically based applications, as well as to build a community of dedicated specialists that believe in the power of leaning into vulnerability, owning our stories, and showing up.

The Daring Way is cultivating an ever-expanding community of professionals who have entrée to peer support, case consultation, exchange of ideas, and other practice development skills and tools. The Daring Way™ Community is an open forum restricted to certified facilitators and candidates.

Other benefits of certification are:

  • Membership in The Daring Way™ referral network.
  • Priority registration for Daring Way™ events and trainings around the country.
  • Continuing education credits for national trainings and specialty trainings restricted to certified facilitators and candidates.
  • Access to branding, graphics, and other materials to promote Daring Way™ groups.

Steps to Certification

#1 Confirm Your Eligibility
#2 Apply for Candidacy
#3 Successfully Complete Assessments and Tutorial
#4 Successfully complete a National or International Training
#5 Successfully complete Case Consultation with a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator – Consultant
#6 Maintain your Certified Daring Way™ Membership and Profile for the Referral Network

Los Angeles Concierge Addiction Specialist

In-home concierge addiction services are both a step back and forward at the same time. For decades, our elders have wistfully looked back on the days when a doctor would actually make ‘house calls’, visiting the patient at home and administering medical care with a level of personal interest and privacy. In these days of ever- more complicated health care issues – as well as privacy issues – in-home concierge addiction service is rapidly becoming a desired alternative to addiction treatment.

It is often the case that people in need of treatment have unique challenges, which can range from resistance to traditional in-patient facilities, specific privacy needs or special medical and emotional concerns that do not always fall in line with standardized treatment. In-home detox is overseen and scheduled by a physician who specializes in toxicology and detox.

Following detox, a psychological concierge program is a finely-tuned mixture of case therapy management, treatment plan and execution, as well as possible alternative therapies, all based on the individual’s particular needs and requirements.

Dr. Alexander Bacher

For those seeking a concierge therapist with a wide-ranging (and expanding) background, Dr. Alexander Bacher is wholly unique in this field. While attending Georgetown University, Dr. Bacher initially had a keen interest in psychology, but ultimately chose a career as a Wall Street investment banker. The ‘Hard Work and

Hard Play’ lifestyle was indeed something he witnessed, but he also saw the pitfalls. “Somehow I knew when to call it quits and head home so I could work the

next day,” he recalls. However, he also saw many friends and co-workers develop life-threatening addictions. Some lost their lives.

Following the disaster of 9/11, when layoffs were a regular part of his industry, Bacher took an attractive severance package and did some soul-searching. It was during this period that he applied for work with the CIA. However, mid-way through the admissions process, he also applied to Pepperdine University, to pursue his interest in psychology. In an odd bit of serendipity, his acceptance letter from Pepperdine arrived the same week as an offer from the Central Intelligence Agency. Bacher chose to earn a doctoral degree in psychology and become a licensed clinical psychologist, focusing on substance abuse treatment. He specialized in assessment and treatment of drug and alcohol addiction while completing post-doctoral work at the Betty Ford Center. In 2011, Dr. Bacher joined Promises as a primary therapist. Their holistic approach, integrating 12-Step principles as well as a wide-range of alternative therapies, impressed and informed his overall therapeutic model and approach. In addition to this, the proven combination of group and individual therapy became a solid cornerstone of his work and results.

In addition to this, Dr. Bacher is one of the psychologists at the world-renowned Kusnacht Practice in Sweden, which specializes in one-client at a time, full-time addiction treatment.  He joins an internationally celebrated team of doctors, therapists, nurses, counselors and other professionals, offering a full-range of addiction treatment and psychiatric services for individuals and their families.

Addiction in the Media

In today’s culture substance abuse is out in the open.  Actors, musicians, politicians and other celebrities are transparent about their struggles allowing the stigma to dissipate.  Television shows and movies where alcoholism and drug addiction are the primary story lines are commonplace in media.  How does this effect society as a whole, and people’s ability to recover from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body?

When people watch a TV show about a brilliant diagnostician who is also a chronic opiate abuser, how does that impact our views about what opiate addiction really looks like?  How about watching a movie about an alcoholic police officer who somehow always manages to solve the case despite his reliance on alcohol?  What kind of messages are we sending to viewers about the perils of drug addiction and alcoholism?  Is it so different to idealize a fictional character who has a cocaine habit but is extremely successful than a rugged cowboy who smokes Marlboro’s?

The media is constantly influencing the decisions that each of us make through advertising and content.  New car commercials, fast food advertisements and product placement in programs generate billions of dollars every year.   The clothing that actors wear in television shows are sought after by viewers, the type of soda they drink is sold to millions of viewers every day.  Doesn’t it stand to reason, that with such influence being peddled by media, the story lines, moral lessons, and ethical standards are also absorbed by the viewing audience much like the advertising?

What would it be like if the brilliant diagnostician lost his medical license due to his drug addiction?  Or if the police officer was arrested for drunk driving as the result of his alcoholism?  Would the impact of these debilitating addictions trickle down and have an impact on the viewing audience?  Would the viewers and fans take a different view about the glamour of cocaine, or the glory of alcohol?  Would the young people in our society stop a moment and think about what they’d seen on TV and rather than get behind the wheel after a few beers, remember the police officer who was arrested?  Perhaps.  Maybe, rather than peddling questionable morals, and shaky decision making, the media can include some honest appraisals of how damaging drug addiction and alcoholism can be.

Alcoholics Anonymous – A Brief History

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is considered to be the greatest, most successful social movement of the 20th century.  Formed in Akron Ohio in 1935 by Bill Wilson (Bill W) and Dr. Robert Smith (Dr. Bob), AA was the last block on the house for so many who could not stop drinking by any measures.  Both Bill W and Dr. Bob were low bottom alcoholics in their own rights.  Neither was able to stop drinking despite devastating consequences, numerous hospitalizations and significant wreckage.

It was largely believed at that time, that alcoholism was a sin, a lack of willpower and the sign of a weak mind.  During his hospitalizations, Bill W was treated by a gifted physician called Dr. William Silkworth. Dr. Silkworth, contrary to popular belief, understood alcoholism to be an illness rather than a mental defect.  Dr. Silkworth conceptualized that alcoholism was an allergy to alcohol, making compulsive drinking inevitable, combined with an obsession of the mind.  His belief was the only by breaking the cycle and becoming completely abstinent could the alcoholic recover.

At that time there was a religious based group known as the Oxford Group that was having some success in helping alcoholics to achieve abstinence.  Bill W was introduced to this program by an old drinking acquaintance of his named Ebby Thacher but he wasn’t able to adopt it and continued drinking.  Bill W admitted himself back into Towns Hospital where he allowed himself to be subjected to numerous treatments in his attempt to achieve sobriety.  While lying in bed depressed and despairing, Wilson cried out: “I’ll do anything! Anything at all! If there be a God, let Him show Himself” He then had the sensation of a bright light, a feeling of ecstasy, and a new serenity.  Bill W never drank again.

Roughly a year later, after many failed attempts to help other alcoholics, Bill W was on a business trip to Akron Ohio and had the temptation to drink.  At that moment he realized that if he didn’t talk to another alcoholic he ran a serious risk of drinking again.  He reached out to local ministers asking if any of them could connect him to a struggling alcoholic.  One of them had been trying to help Dr. Bob for some time and put the two men in touch.  Shortly thereafter Bill moved in with Dr. Bob and his wife and the two pioneers began their divine journey.

Today, Alcoholics Anonymous has a presence in over 170 countries around the world.  It is estimated that there are nearly 115,000 AA groups around the world and over 2,000,000 members.  Bill W and Dr. Bob’s legacy lives on and continues to grow and help people recover from alcoholism and rebuild their lives.  This year marks the 80th anniversary of Alcoholics Anonymous’ incredible contribution to the world and its’ inhabitants.

Maintenance and Recovery

Relapse is often one of the scariest words for anyone in recovery.  The notion that the entire house of cards can collapse with one impulsive decision can be a terrifying thought for anyone trying to get and stay sober.  The myth is that relapse is actually an impulsive decision.  There are many schools of thought regarding relapse, but in my experience the act of returning to a mood altering substance is the final action in a string of decisions.

Maintenance is the key to long term sobriety, recovery and success.  A consistent regiment of meetings, service and twelve-step work is what’s required to obtain the best odds at long term sobriety.  In some respects, one can look at long term recovery the same as an automobile.  When the car is driven off the lot, it is in prime working condition, the fluids are full and the engine is humming without issue.  Over time, wear and tear, weather, passengers, and other use related damage occur to the vehicle.  Without replacing the fluids, checking the oil and tire pressure, and going in for regular maintenance check-ups, the car begins to degrade rapidly.  So it is with sobriety.

Life can cause wear and tear on people.  Family issues, relationship struggles, work drama all play a part in how well the mental engine is humming.  The twelve steps are like the regular check-ups for the emotional vehicle.  Taking regular inventory of assets and liabilities inform about which fluids need to be replenished and conserved.  Meetings are like the fuel.  Constantly rejuvenating the spirit and fostering a sense of community allows for long-term travel and safety.  No one wants to drive a car on an empty tank.  The gas mileage isn’t good, and the fear of running out of gas in the middle of a trip is constant.  Regular attendance at meetings is a way to keep the tank full.

Finally, service work is like the steering and alignment.  Making sure the vehicle is moving safely in the right direction is the cornerstone to good driving.  Much the same, service work is the cornerstone to solid, long-term recovery.  Helping others less fortunate, making coffee, cleaning up and being there for another human being keeps the emotional car moving in the right direction.

If all parts are in working order, and regularly inspected, engines can last 200,000 miles or more.  So it is with recovery.  If all these components maintained, the risk of relapse is greatly diminished and long-term recovery can last a lifetime.

Concierge Addiction Treatment

What is Concierge Addiction Treatment?

In days gone by (generations, actually) medical professionals performed ‘house calls’. It may sound like a misty old Irish folk tale to many now, but family doctors actually visited your home or place of employment upon request, and treated their patients with a degree of unhurried professional and personal care. You were actually treated like a family member. Due to an overburdened health care system, as well as other factors, this kind of personal health care has made a remarkable comeback, especially in the realm of addiction services.

Concierge medicine refers to health care practice that provides patients with an elevated degree of personal consideration and service. Currently, many physicians have made the decision to limit their patient load to amplify the time and attention that they can spend with each patient.

As for addiction treatment, it has become apparent that many people in need of treatment have exclusive challenges, which can be a variety of issues, ranging from (but not limited to)  a general resistance to traditional recovery facilities specific privacy issues or medical and/or emotional concerns that do not always relate to standardized addiction therapy. For these reasons, concierge addiction treatment has become a viable alternative for thousands of patients.

Initial Phase: Detox

In home or remote detox via a concierge addiction treatment program is always overseen and scheduled by a physician who specializes on toxicology and detox. Initially, this physician provides an assessment of the patient and determines if hospitalization is called for in order to stabilize the patient in the opening stages of detox. Often times, for instance, a patient suffering from severe alcoholism will be required to spend a brief period in a hospital setting in order to reduce or eliminate the possibility of seizure. In the end, constant medical supervision is maintained in order to provide specific care and changes needed in a flexible program that is based on the current gravity of the medical situation. Aside from this, the detox is conducted in a home, condominium or temporary hotel setting. Detox technicians are on hand 24 hours a day, providing detox medication and all other support, based on the individual client’s needs and requirements.

That said, it’s important to see the bigger picture of concierge addiction treatment, which is far more than mere ‘detox-at-home’. The goal is to provide continuing, open-ended care for the body, mind and spirit .

Who Offers Concierge Addiction Treatment?

An exclusive number of medical professionals offer concierge addiction treatment, including Dr. Bacher. The motivation of these uncompromising, trail-blazing medical professionals is to help revolutionize the medical profession with an eye towards the fact that the art of medicine has not been lost…although it remains threatened by current challenges in the healthcare system. By returning to an approach of personal care in treatment, these physicians and psychologists are able to take advantage of the most up-to-date advances in technology and deliver state-of-the-art care with a strong measure of personal attention that is often urgently needed for successful recovery from all manner of addiction.

Concierge Treatment VS Traditional Treatment

Concierge addiction medicine provides physicians and psychologists with the time and opportunity to truly know their patients and treat each one individually with a degree of attention to detail that is unrivaled. True, one wants to emphasize the cure and ultimate recovery, but the medical professional needs to be there when he is needed most, especially in the critical early months of recovery. The reality is that most addiction issues (medical and psychological) cannot be addressed and resolved in a brief office visit, which often average under 12 minutes. Addiction is a life-threatening disease… and when your life and health is on the line, the doctor sitting at your bedside without a waiting room full of other patients makes all the difference.

Benefits of Concierge Treatment

As mentioned before, many patients seeking relief from addiction have specific challenges. Privacy issues are certainly at the forefront for many, and concierge addiction treatment provides a degree of security and decorum that cannot be matched in standardized treatment. Becoming an impatient and leaving home for months at a time or radically changing your schedule creates questions for family, neighbors, client and colleagues. High-profile individuals, as well as others who cannot afford to take time off have found concierge addiction services the ultimate answer to difficult and highly-personalized circumstances.

Concierge patients receive treatment when their schedule permits, and in these cases, medical professionals are available after hours, weekends, and other times that fit the individuals schedule and lifestyle. As well, other individuals with families need to schedule treatment when other family members are at work or school. This is to illustrate that concierge addiction services are not solely limited to high-profile or ‘celebrity’ clients.

In addiction to this, concierge addiction patients have access to other cutting-edge and alternative therapies such as neuro-theraputics (neurofeedback) and other methods for treating addiction and trauma.

Sober monitoring is also an important component, along with regular drug testing and all other ancillary services, including mobile therapy.

Cons of Concierge Addiction Treatment

Concierge medicine has been accused of endorsing a health care system that shows favoritism the wealthy and confines the number of doctors and psychologists to care for those who cannot afford it, and encumbers the lower and middle class with a higher cost of insurance. Some contend that while this method is more profitable for some medical practitioners and makes it more convenient for their clients; it formulates care less accessible for other patients who cannot afford the requisite expenditure.

Concierge Treatment and Mental Health

The cornerstone of every addiction treatment is mental health counseling. Behaviors such as drug, alcohol, food, sex/love and gambling abuse are the result of underlying issues which must be addressed to achieve well-rounded and permanent relief and recovery from substance and behavioral issues. When a patient takes part in drug addiction counseling, they are tackling and confronting the psychological element of their reliance to substances and/or behavior. It is precisely this work and course of action that prevents those from relapsing in periods (days, months and years) subsequent to the original addiction treatment program. Counseling provides direction, support and education in greater decision-making, coping skills and by and large enhances the life of the individual in mind and spirit. While medical detox attends to an individual’s physical addiction, there is still the substantial psychological addiction that must be examined and investigated, and this is addressed through counseling. Addiction counseling is a propos of achieving an understanding of why those establish these behaviors and eventually become addicted in the first place. Counseling addresses the triggers for an individual -and aids in discovering more positive and dynamic ways to respond to these life circumstances.

Individual, one-on-one counseling is your core program for recovery following detox. These sessions are an opportunity for the therapist and patient to discover the root sources of the individual’s addiction and uncover solutions to help keep them substance-free or to arrest other behavior. The relationship between patient and therapist is crucial to the recovery process and can last far beyond the initial recovery.

Aside from individual therapy, family counseling is an opportunity to re-build trust and re-establish healthy bonds (and boundaries) between family members. Family counseling can take place during or following the initial recovery process, and create a chance for parents, children, siblings and loved ones to speak their minds. Often times, it is the first time these family members have addressed the individual directly about their addiction and it’s end results, and truly opens the lines of communication. Counselors such as Dr. Bacher have been in practice for many years and are vastly experienced in all phases of individual and family dynamics and healing.

How Much Does Private Addiction Treatment Cost?

Concierge addiction treatment programs may more affordable than you expect.  Unlike inpatient recovery, there is no real estate cost involved, and this factor is weighed into the cost of all programs.  Some of the concierge treatment providers are accepting insurance and financing as a full or partial payment of services. Aside from these options, credit card acceptance is also a viable method of financing.

It’s important when factoring the cost of concierge addiction treatment to weigh whether your business can withstand your absence for any length of time. Concierge treatment affords you the opportunity to continue to attend to your business and/or family issues with a minimum of interval.

Addiction treatment should not be a chastisement or a cycle of restrictions, margins and rules. It should be an affirmative event delivering nourishing alternatives for your mind, body and spirit. Concierge addiction patients receive exclusive, private care given in the comfort of your home or business. You do not need to modify your life to a new location and new schedule. Your treatment providers are qualified, empathetic specialists that trust in the intensity of one on one. Each person travels through recovery differently. There is no supernatural number of days or precise quantity of where you are in the healing process. Your treatment team will be with you for as long as you need them.